PoliciesProcedures for the Naming of College and District Buildings or Facilities

This procedure outlines the process for naming District properties, programs and facilities in accordance with Board Policy 3216

The Foothill-De Anza Community College District has a tradition of naming college or District properties and facilities in honor of persons or entities that have made important contributions to enable the teaching, learning and public service missions of the District and its colleges. All naming in recognition of an honoree must be consistant with the District's role as a public trust. Accordingly, all such proposals will be reviewed and approved in accordance with District policies and procedures.

Commitments regarding naming shall only be made to a donor or a non-donor honoree based upon prior approval of the related proposal for naming. Each proposal for naming will be considered on its merit and not because a gift meets a particular predetermined goal. Research on the proposed name will be submitted with the proposal so that all due attention can be given to both the long-term and short-term appropriateness for naming.

In accordance with these guidelines, naming proposals will be reviewed by the Foothill-De Anza Foundation for possible conflicts, and submitted for approval through the following procedures:


Procedures for Naming or Renaming College Facilities


Requests for naming college facilities and significant land features, including buildings and the components of buildings (classrooms, laboratories, auditoria, conference and seminar rooms; etc.), will be submitted to the appropriate college president. The college president will submit proposals in favor of naming through the college's governance process to make a recommendation on the request. The college president will then forward a recommendation to the chancellor for approval. The chancellor will forward favorable recommendations to the Board of Trustees for final approval.


Procedure for Naming or Renaming District Facilities


Requests for naming District facilities, canters, campuses and land features, including buildings and the components of buildings (classrooms, laboratories, auditoria, conference and seminar rooms, etc.), will be submitted to the chancellor who will, in turn, forward favorable recommendations to the Chancellor's Advisory Council for review. The chancellor will then forward a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for information and action.


Procedures for Ornamental Structures, Fountains, Courts; Plaza, Gardens, Benches, Trees and Other Memorials


Requests for memorials may emanate from any source and should have the sponsorship of the senior administrator in whose jurisdiction the memorial will exist, and must have the approval of the appropriate college president. The college president will submit proposals in favor of naming through the college's governance process to make a recommendation on the request. College or District facilities directors will be consulted regarding the appropriateness of the site, the aesthetic impact, relationship to the campus landscape, and maintenance obligations. When a facility or area is named in recognition of a donor or a non-donor honoree, that name will generally be effective for the useful life of the facility or the designated use of the area. If a facility must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of an area redesignated, it may be submitted for new naming, subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action.

When a facility or area is proposed for renaming, college and/or District representatives will make all resonable efforts to inform in advance the original donors or honorees and their immediate families.




  1. Criteria for naming in honor of an individual with no gift involved
    1. A proposed honoree shall have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways:
      1. While serving the colleges or District in an important employee capacity, the individual has rendered distinguished service that warrants recognition of the individual's exceptional contributions to the welfare of the colleges and/or District.
      2. The individual has contributed in truly exceptional ways to the welfare of the institution or achieved such unique distinction as to warrant recognition.
    2. When an individual has achieved distinction as recognized above, a proposal may be made for naming in honor of the individual on the earlier of the following:
      1. Two years after retirement or other separation from the colleges or District or from elected or appointed office; or,
      2. Two years after the person's death, if the person has not yet retired or otherwise separated from the colleges or District.
  2. Criteria for naming involving a gift
    1. In reviewing a request for approval of naming, consideration shall be given to:
      1. The significance of the proposed gift as it relates to the relization and/or success of the project or to the enhancement of the project or to the enhancement of the project's usefulness to the colleges or the District;
      2. The urgency of need for the project or for support funds for the project;
      3. The eminence, reputation and integrity of the individual or entity whose name is proposed; and,
      4. The relationship of the individual or entity to the colleges or District.
    2. The gift shall constitute a significant portion of the total cost of the project to be named: 1) representing 25-50 percent of the total cost of a building or project to be named, or (2) providing substantial funding for that portion of the total cost which would not have been available from another source (such as state or federal appropriations, bond issues, or loans).
    3. Donor names proposed for fountains, ornamental structures, landscaping or similar features will normally require a gift to cover the full cost of the project as well as a maintenance fund for long-term preservation.
    4. A naming conferred in recognition of a pledge is contingent upon the gift agreement that makes every effort to ensure fulfillment of the pledge. Naming may be removed if the pledge is not fulfilled.
    5. To avoid any appearance of commercial influence or conflict of interest, due diligence should be taken before recommending the naming of a major program or area, building, open space, or roadway that involves the name of a corporation or corporate funding. The naming for an individual associated with a corporation should be handled as any naming for an individual.
    6. The size, design, and wording of any signs acknowledging corporate generosity and acknowledging District appreciation should exclude logos to avoid the appearance of advertising.
  3. Changed Circumstances:
    1. If the colleges or District proposes to change the function of a named facility or area, it must document the review of related gift agreements in consultation with the District's Foundation to determine if the proposed use is consistant with the restrictions that may have been previously stipulated. If the proposal for change in use is inconsistant, District counsel shall be consulted.
    2. If at any time following the approval of a naming circumstance change so that the continued use of that name may compromise public trust, the District counsel will consult with the California Attorney General regarding future action.

Approved 2/21/80 (added to Board Policy 11/91)
Amended 5/2/94
Reviewed 8/16/99; 8/27/01
Amended by Chancellor's Staff 2/26/08
Reviewed by Chancellor's Advisory 2/29/08

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