Foothill Alumnus Matt Bodo Highlights the Importance of Student Basic Needs
While attending Foothill College, alumnus Matt Bodo faced down obstacles familiar to many current students: housing and food insecurity. Now a transfer student at UCLA, Bodo recently spoke from his dorm room with Foothill-De Anza Foundation Executive Director Dennis Cima about how the essential support services he received at Foothill College helped him get to where he is today. He expressed appreciation for everything from scholarships and emergency grants to counseling and other assistance through Foothill's Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS). These are topics that matter a great deal to Matt, as well as to many other community college students and their supporters.

Foothill College Contact Tracing Corps
As the Covid-19 pandemic continued to impact the Silicon Valley, Foothill College launched a free Contact Tracing and Case Investigation course to help meet the demand for trained contact tracers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Led by instructor Rebecca Ryan, the course provided an opportunity for students to be part of the county's public infrastructure as well as serve the community. Below you can hear how the experience and the opportunity impacted student participants.

As you might expect, the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting our community college students hard. With the outbreak, their lives are changing daily. Staff, faculty, students and administrators at both colleges have done amazing work to create a virtual learning environment and to support our students and community in other essential ways. We are proud of the work that is being done and want to share these inspiring moments with you! Check back often for updates and more news!