Danielle Padron Story
To understand how much Danielle Padron loves microbiology, you have to know that in order to study it she commuted to De Anza College from Modesto via public transit, a trip that on some days took more than 4 hours. "I'm glad I did because the instructors are amazing," she said.

Foothill Partners with Stanford Institute for Research in the Social Sciences
For many students, taking an unpaid internship is a rite of passage, an opportunity to have a glimpse into their future career. But for some students who are the first in their families to attend college or those with financial obligations, an unpaid internship is not an option. The reality is that many of our students are supporting their families or paying expenses on their own and must piece together a steady income.

Foothill Alumnus Matt Bodo Highlights the Importance of Student Basic Needs
While attending Foothill College, alumnus Matt Bodo faced down obstacles familiar to many current students: housing and food insecurity. Now a transfer student at UCLA, Bodo recently spoke from his dorm room with Foothill-De Anza Foundation Executive Director Dennis Cima about how the essential support services he received at Foothill College helped him get to where he is today. He expressed appreciation for everything from scholarships and emergency grants to counseling and other assistance through Foothill's Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS). These are topics that matter a great deal to Matt, as well as to many other community college students and their supporters.