Chat Café connects students from across the globe with the common goal of better communication
Mike McCusker began a career as a physicist at Rice University, JILA (Colorado), Yale, and eventually SRI in Menlo Park. He first made the transition to technical industry at Spectra Physics, and then several small and larger organizations in a variety of engineering and management roles. Some years ago he began looking for a "retirement job," where he could share his knowledge of physics, math and business. One of his colleagues suggested he consider working at Foothill College as a tutor in the STEM Success Center.

De Anza alumna continues to champion civic engagement in her community and in her work
After she graduated from high school Neesha Tambe wasn't sure what she wanted to do. She had been accepted into a number of universities but wasn't "energized" by any of them. Unsure of what to do, she reached out to a friend. Her friend gave advice that Neesha said she would never forget. "You don't have to do what everyone else is doing (going to a four-year university)," her friend said. "You can take time to figure out where your passions lie."

$3,000 match challenge by June 30th for Foothill's most vulnerable student population
Food insecurity and homelessness are growing concerns among college students. Not surprisingly, having to live in one of the most expensive areas in the country, many Foothill students struggle with not being able to meet their basic needs. Students who don't have a permanent home may be couch-surfing or even living in their cars, yet they remain determined to continue with their education. However, even the most steadfast student's success is at risk when faced with homelessness and hunger.